*2019 SSCE NABTEB ICT* *ICT OBJECTIVE* 1-10:BBBCCBBABB 11-20:CBAAADDAAA 21-30:BBCCCCACCA 31-40:DBACBACABB *ICT - THEORY- SOLUTION* *ATTEND ONLY FIVE QUESTIONS* (Number 1) (1ai) ICT Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications.ICT is a common expression for a variety of different computer,information and communication devices (hardware),application (software), network (internet) and services. It is general concept which encompasses all communication devices of the modern Society and their usage. It's primary purpose is mediating information and enabling the communication process. (1aii) Booting:-In computer,booting is the initial set of operation that a computer system performs when electrical power to Central processing unit is switched on. The process begins when a computer is turned on for the first time or re-energized after being turned off,and ends when the computer is ready to perform it's normal function. in booting,the system will check all the hardware's and software's that are installed or attached with the system and will also load all the files needed for running a system (1bi) (Medicine) (Pick three) (i)Body scanners:- A body scanner sends electromagnetic rays through a patient’s body and sensors detect how much different parts of the body absorb the rays. (ii)Patient monitoring:- Computers are used in hospitals to monitor critically ill patients in intensive care units. (iii)Organ transplants:- Computerised databases are used to help match patients who are waiting for organ transplants such as a new kidney, liver or heart, with suitable organs from donors. (iv)Patient records Computerised databases are used by every hospital in the country to store information about patients. (1bii) Agriculture (i)Decision Support System:- ICT has a great role as decision support system to the farmers. Through ICT, farmers can be updated with the recent information about agriculture, weather, new varieties of crops and new ways to increase production and quality control. (ii)Strengthen and empower farming community:-ICT technologies can help for strengthening farming communities through wide networking and collaborations with various institutes, NGO’s and private sectors. Further, farmers may enhance (iii)Widen Market Access:-ICT has the great potential to widen marketing horizon of farmers directly to the customers or other appropriate users for maximum benefit. Farmers may connect directly with many users and may get information about current prices for their commodities. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *(NUMBER 2)* (2ai) CPU =Central processing unit (2aii) FTP=File Transfer Protocol (2aiii) RAM=Random Access Memory (2aiv) DVD-ROM=Digital Video Disk - Read Only Memory (2av) ALU =Arithmetic Logic unit (2avi) WWW=World Wide Web (2b) *DISADVANTAGES* (Pick four) (i)Theft of personal information (ii)Virus and hacking Threat (iii)Pornographic and violent images (iv)Spamming (v)Spreading of Fake or wrong information *ABUSES OF INTERNET* (Pick two) (i)Computer crime (ii)Cyber bullying (iii)Malware (iv)spam(electronic) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *(Number 3)* *(3a)* World processor is a program or computer application that enable you to perform word processing function. It is a software program capable of creating ,storing and printing documents. Examples:-Microsoft word and WordPad *(3b)* Step1:- In the desktop, click or tap the File Explorer button on the taskbar. Step 2:-Select the file or folder you want to rename Step 3:-Click or tap the Rename button on the Home tab Step 4:-With the name selected, type a new name, or click or tap to position the insertion point, and then edit the name Step 5:-Press Enter or tap in a blank area. *(3c)* *(Pick four)* (i)Insert text:-allow you to insert text anywhere in the document (ii)Delete text:-Allows you to erase characters,words,lines or pages (iii)Cut and paste:-Allows you to remove a section of text from one place in a document and insert it somewhere else (iv)copy:-Allows you to duplicate a section of text (v)Print:-Allows you to send a document to a printer to get hardcopy (vi)Search and replace:-Allows you to direct the word processor to search for a particular word or phrase ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *(Number 4)* *(4a)* A worksheet or sheet is a single page in a file created with an electronic spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets *(4bi)* To create a Row in Ms excel (i)Select the row heading below where you want the new row to appear. (ii)Click the Insert command on the Home tab. (iii)The new row will appear above the selected row. *(4bii)* To insert a Column in Ms excel (i)Select the column heading to the right of where you want the new column to appear. (ii)Click the Insert command on the Home tab. (iii)The new column will appear to the left of the selected column. *(4biii)* There are two method of moving one cell content to another *(i)Move cells by drag and dropping* Step 1:-Select the cells or range of cells that you want to move or copy. Step 2:-Point to the border of the selection. Step 3:-When the pointer becomes a move pointer move pointer , drag the cell or range of cells to another location. *(ii) Move cells content by using Cut and Paste* Step1:-Select a cell or a cell range. Step 2:-Select Home > Cut Cut or press Ctrl + X. Step 3:-Select a cell where you want to move the data. Step 4:-Select Home > Paste Paste or press Ctrl + V. *(4c)* Steps for creating chart in Ms excel Below steps work in Ms excel 2007,2010,2013 and newer versions Steps 1:-Click the Insert tab. Step 2:-Click the chart type from the Charts section of the ribbon. The sub-type menu displays. Step 3:-Click the desired chart sub-type. The chart appears on the worksheet. Finally,If you want to create a second chart, click somewhere in the worksheet to "deselect" the current chart first, or the new chart will replace the current chart. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *(NUMBER 6)* (6ai) *TWO EXAMPLE OF PRESENTATION PACKAGES* *(PICK TWO)* (i)Microsoft power point (ii)Corel presentation (iii)Adobe persuasion (iv)Harvard Graphics (v)Macromedia flash (6aii) *(TWO EXAMPLE OF DBMS)* *(PICK TWO)* (i)Microsoft Access (ii)Microsoft SQL server (iii)Foxbase (iv)Oracle (v)Dbase III and IV *(6bi)* (i)Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application *while* Microsoft Access is an Relational database management system (ii)Microsoft Excel is usually used for paperwork *while* Microsoft Access is used in storing information that can be accessed by a lot of people. (iii)Microsoft Access locks data at the record level *while* Microsoft Excel locks the entire spreadsheet *(6bii)* *FOUR ADVANTAGES* *(PICK FOUR)* (i)Improved availability:-One of the principle advantage of a DBMS is that the same information can be made available to different users (ii)Minimized redundancy:-The data in a DBMS is more concise because, as a general rule,the information in it appears just once.This reduce data redundancy or in other words,the need to repeat the same data over and over again (iii)Accuracy:-Accurate,consistent, and up-to-date data is a sign of data integrity. DBMS's foster data integrity because updates and changes to the data only have to be made in one place (iv)Program and file consistency:-Using database management system,file formats and system programs are standardized. This makes the data files easier to maintain because the same rules and guidelines apply across all types of data (v)User friendly:-Data is easier to access and manipulate with a DBMS than without it.In most cases,DBMS's also reduce the reliance of individual users on computer specialist to meet their data needs *TWO DISADVANTAGES OF DBMS* (i)Cost:- Implementing a DBMS system can be expensive and time consuming ,especially in large organization. Training requirements alone can be quite costly (ii)Security:-Even with safeguards in place,it may be possible for some unauthorized users to access the database. In general database access is an all or nothing proposition ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• *COMPLETED* •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


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