NABTEB CIVIC EDUCATION (Number 1) (1a) Contentment simply means a state of being happy and satisfied with what one has. it also a mental or emotional state of satisfaction drawn from being at ease in one's situation,body and mind (1b) (i)ENVY:-Lack of Contentment brought about envy. This leads to anti-social behaviors such as assassination, armed robbery, kidnapping e.t.c. An envious person will want to get rid of the rich person so that he could get hold of his wealth. (ii)THEFT:-Man and woman, boy and girl who seems not contented with what they have on their possessions always go about stealing from others which seems bad according to the law of God and man, for them to get more in their possession they steal and make other people cry at the expense of them getting quick wealth. (iii)CORRUPTION:-when the people of a given society or a place lack Contentment, then corruption will be the order of the day and might get to an extent that might cause deterioration to the community as a whole, because the upcoming ones will believe that corruption seems right and they will be guilt-free about it. (iv)GREED:-greed cause for lack of Contentment I.e the greedy fellow never thinks of doing things the proper way, the luster of money and the idea to accumulate more wealth covers their eyes for them to see that other people are out there suffering the course of his own wealth accumulation which will not end on him but will extend to his 4th generation. (v)GREED:-greed cause for lack of Contentment I.e the greedy fellow never thinks of doing things the proper way, the luster of money and the idea to accumulate more wealth covers their eyes for them to see that other people are out there suffering the course of his own wealth accumulation which will not end on him but will extend to his 4th generation. (vi)PROSTITUTION:- Women who are not contented will gulibly ran into prostitution and at the same time this means which is considered deadly and no disease-free can ruin the life of anyone intending to sit it on as a perfect job. (1c) (Pick three) (i)it helps to eliminate jealousy and envy in people (ii)it leads to peaceful and developed society (iii)it promote tolerance in country (iv)it reduces the feeling of inferiority among the people (v)it gives a person a peaceful heart. (Number 4) (4a) (i)Human and social effects:-This is the physical abuse of human being. Trafficked persons are always exploited and enslaved. (ii)Health risk in woman and adolescents:-Since women are the weaker sex,they may not be able to withstand the long duration and stress of human trafficking and through this medium,they end up falling sick. (iii)Population reduction:-Some victims of trafficking do not return to their home countries and this may drastically reduce the population of their own countries (iv)Sexual abuse and psychological consequences:-some of the ladies are always sexually abused. Some of the victims in this inhuman act often suffer some psychological distress (v)illegal immigrants:- Some end up being illegal immigrants who are denied of several privileges like work permit, free movement etc in the country they travelled to. (4b) (i)Volunteer:-Volunteering time and effort to an anti-trafficking organization is a great way to contribute to the fight against human trafficking (ii)Be aware of the signs of human trafficking:- Being educated on signs that could indicate someone is a victim of human trafficking increases the likelihood of reporting and could give a voice to victims who do not feel comfortable speaking out for themselves. (iii)Advocate:-Meeting with or reaching out to local, state and federal representatives informs them that their constituents are passionate about fighting human trafficking, and brings the issue to their attention. This increases the likelihood that they will do something about it. (iv)Hold events to raise awareness:- Raising awareness for human trafficking can also get more people involved and interested in joining the fight. It can create a chain reaction, leading to more people lobbying, fundraising and educating themselves. (v)Report suspicions:- It is important to know the resources available. When traveling abroad, it is beneficial to look up the emergency phone number of the given country, to enable quick reports should a trafficking victim be spotted. (Number 5) (5a) Capitalist democracy may be defined as a government in which power emanates from the bid and support of the Majority, and this operates in capitalist economics (5b) (i)It is characterized of polity which stipulate a number of parliamentary parties (ii)It is a democracy that states a cabinet type and cabinet duration (iii)it manifest electoral disproportionate ie it lacks suitable proportion in terms of electoral demands (iv)It is practiced in a federal(Federalism) system of government (v)There is the existence of central bank independence (vi)it experience interest group pluralism i.e the existence of many difference interest groups of people in one democratic society


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